i hate speed bumps.
i remember once when jonas and i had a condo together in atlanta and they added a speed bump right before you got to our place. the first day i drove over it, i couldn't believe it. who would put a speed bump there?
the thing is though, speed bumps are good for us. regardless of how hard you try, it is impossible to avoid speed bumps - i've tried them all, go around them, put one wheel off of the road to minimize the effect, or maybe even ignore them all together.
we all have speed bumps in our lives, right? something happens in your life that slows you down, forces you to change your priorities, or maybe even forces you to stop and consider another direction. God puts speed bumps in our lives for a purpose.
what is the most important aspect of a speed bump? it is important to realize that its not the size, color or shape that is important. the most important thing about a speed bump is its location.
the purpose of a speed bump is a function of its location. is it trying to slow you down? is it trying to protect others that are around you? the speed bumps that we find in our lives are there for a reason. just like the highway department, God puts His speed bumps right where he wants them.
the worst thing to do when you see a speed bump is ignore it. you, your car, or both may need new shocks.
i'll stop now. enough rambling....more important thoughts. a thought about my new baby which is why most of you are reading this post now anyway.
most times that I have Holden in my arms, he is asleep. sometimes though, he is so wide-eyed, alert and awake. i find us staring at each other and all of a sudden, it dawns on me that this baby in my arms.....my son,
knows who i am.