Sunday, February 17, 2008

along he came

my wife is a trooper, she survived 33 hours of labor and still managed to deliver our beautiful son in amazing fashion. there was a point in time that we were both sure we were headed for a c-section, but prayers were answered and we were blessed and alicia was able to deliver the little guy sans surgery.

it is such a strange feeling to be there and actually witness the moment that you become a parent, a father....daddy. you see it coming, almost like you read it in a book and maybe even claim to know it, but you don't have a clue.

mother and child are happy and healthy. i lay here in the smallest room ever and wonder how i can ever thank God for the miracle of the life of my son.

if i continue to write here, i'll just ramble off in some pointless direction. i'm tired, we've been at the hospital for over 48 hours already and the adrenaline is wearing off.

maybe i'll slip out the door and down to the nursery to take a peek and silently give thanks for a most wonderful day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a miracle! This is the only way to describe a new baby being born and I am so happy that you have now experienced it (Alicia for 33 hours, which is plenty enough experiece for a while!) Congratulations to the two of you, you will be the most amazing parents. When you ask, "Is there a light at he end of this long, sleep deprving tunnel?" I can tell you I am beginning to see the faintest flicker in my near I am sure it's there!

Love Ya'll,